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Services Real Estate

To real estate developers RE Mo.1950 offers specific services for the different phases of project development.



Mo.1950 is involved in the definition of living spaces and presents design furniture proposals in line with the target audience defined by the operators responsible for the project.
Upon request, Mo.1950 is also involved in the development of marketing services for the launch of the initiative.



In this phase we consolidate the planning work and finalise the specifications involving the brands selected for the project.



To launch the project we create, where possible, a sales office open to potential buyers.
For those who wish to personalise the design products included in the specifications, we provide materials, finish samples and interior designers in our showrooms or in the sales office.
We can also support the developer in marketing operations to support the commercial launch.



At this stage, we carry on advising potential buyers on matters relating to furniture and interior personalisation, including access to our showrooms. We prepare new assessments of customised specifications, where customisation ranges from catalogue product upgrades to tailor-made creation through our network of craftsmen.
We manage or implement marketing actions to boost purchase and avoid property devaluation.


Delivery / Management of unsold properties

We handle the delivery of tailor-made and standard catalogue furniture.
For the management of unsold properties, we contribute to the realisation of sample flats through our team of architects and interior designers. On request, we undertake the economic revaluation of unsold flats.